Easy to Apply
Interested individuals can apply online as well as by mail, fax or phone

Low or No Cost
We strive to keep costs as low and reasonable as possible in keeping with consumer needs and industry standards

Convienient Routes
We pride ourselves on our extensive and comprehensive knowledge of the Central Pennsylvania area and its transportation

Fast & Safe
We use the most direct and up to date routes available for timely arrival, while emphasising safety in our vehicles and with our drivers.
The Center for Community Building (CCB) is a Harrisburg-based private, nonprofit agency for community transportation. Since it’s founding in 1997, CCB’s mission has been to provide transportation to those in the community who need help with traveling to and from locations where and when transportation is lacking or nonexistent.
CCB provides its services in an efficient and dependable manner and with the utmost sensitivity towards the human needs of consumers.
Currently, CCB provides work related and non-emergency medical transportation services, and undertakes a variety of transportation-related services for consumers of other agencies under contractual arrangements.
About us
Our Business Structure
Center for Community Building (CCB) is incorporated under the laws of the state of Pennsylvania as a not-for-profit organization, and is qualified as an exempt organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The business and affairs of the Corporation are managed by a Board of Directors whose powers are carried out by a President who is the Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer. The President has general supervision, direction and control over the Corporation’s business, officers and affairs.